As an organization, we are committed to complying with environmental and social principles across all of our commercial activities.

Through our work, we aim at making a positive impact in the society and the planet, involving clients, suppliers and team members in this purpose.

We are committed with sustainable standards, convinced that a better, more equitable and environmentally responsible society, is possible.

These principles inspire us to be always our best, to innovate, to value the knowledge of communities and to use technological tools that can help us respond to our clients on time and as required.

In this permanent search of strengthening our commitment, our subsidiary in Colombia was created as a “BIC Company”, becoming a part of a new generation of companies with purpose.

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Arch. Nora Larosa
Chief Executive Officer

Expert in diagnosis, design and development of commerce – public space ecosystems, sustainable urbanism and environmental technologies to improve vulnerable neighborhoods.

Claudia Núñez Sánchez, MS
Chief Operating Officer

Expert in design, development and evaluation of sustainable management systems, social responsibility, food production, gastronomy, tourism and hospitality.