Urban commercial districts and foodservice
Sustainable commercial and urban practices are essential for organized growth of the community in both its social and economic dimensions.
For this reason we offer programs and design tools that help consolidating a culture of sustainability among commercial districts, malls, bars, and restaurants. That brings advantages for commerce and cities.
Services for commerce, bars, and restaurants
Sustainability Management Systems and internal auditing
Design, implementation, follow up and evaluation.
Architectural projects
Design of new projects and remodeling. Interior design.
Consulting to secure certifications.
Eco-labeling development
For associations and business clusters.
Social Responsibility Strategies and annual reports
Definition of goals, guidelines, procedures and KPIs.
Carbon footprint and Water footprint
To assess environmental impacts and decision-making.
Responsible Marketing
To communicate actions and results to stakeholders.
Environmental management.
Since 2013, we are part of the leading team of the open sky shopping centers program. Within this program, we have worked in the design and execution of green open sky shopping centers in commercial districts of El Calafate, Santa Cruz; Villa Pehuenia, Neuquén; Luján de Cuyo, Godoy Cruz y Malargüe, Mendoza; Concepción, Tucumán; Rafaela, Firmat, Rosario y Santa Fe, Provincia de Santa fe; Colonia Caroya, Almafuerte, Río Ceballos, Villa María, Río Cuarto, Miramar de Ansenuza, Córdoba; Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires, among others.
Best practices program for the Association’s members, seeking for a more conscious activity, promoting among the customers the concept of responsible consumption, and leading the transformation of the local food industry towards a more conscious and responsible industry, with the community and the environment.
Design and development of “CAME Sustentable”, a certification of processes of triple bottom line businesses. Its first stage is oriented to agrifood sector.
Archt. Nora Larosa
Chief Executive Officer
Expert in diagnosis, design and development of commerce – public space ecosystems, sustainable urbanism and environmental technologies to improve vulnerable neighborhoods.